Hi. I'm triggering Bartender Commander through a TCP port and right now I'm generating a one-line CSV file, which works well enough. However, it's not a very robust solution, due to the "positionality" of the data. I know xml might be the thing to do, but since the process doing the label request is a Javascript function running under Jquery, it sure would be nice if I could just send JSON.
Anything like this in the works?
Nothing that I know of I'm afraid. I've added it to the official wish list and so has visibility to our developers.
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fwiw, no warranty expressed or implied
<?php // xmlpp function snarfed from http://gdatatips.blogspot.com/2008/11/xml-php-pretty-printer.html function xmlpp($xml, $html_output=false) { //folded } function requestBTXML($request,$host,$port) { $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 3); if (!$fp) { throw new Exception($errstr . '(' . $errno . ')'); } else { while (!feof($fp)) { $prompt = fgets($fp); if (strpos($prompt,'Greetings') !== false) break; } $wstatus = fwrite($fp, $request); while (!feof($fp)) { $response = fgets($fp); if (strpos($response,'Thanks') !== false) break; } fclose($fp); } } function JSON2btXML($labelJSON) { //template for the Bartender XMLScript XML file to be created $ltpl = <<<EOD <XMLScript Version="2.0"> <Command> <Print> </Print> </Command> </XMLScript> EOD; //example of data input format //$label1->cmdname = "My Bartender Job"; //$label1->format = "c:\labels\mylabelformat.btw"; //$label1->fields = array( // 'name' => 'mark', // 'addr' => 'ormond'); //note that backslashes must be escaped twice like this //$label2j = '{"cmdname":"My Bartender Job","format":"c\\\\:labels\\\\mylabelformat.btw","fields":{"name":"mark","addr":"ormond"}}'; $labeld = json_decode($labelJSON); if (json_last_error() > 0) throw new Exception('JSON Decode Error ' .json_last_error()); $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($ltpl); $format = $sxe->Command->addAttribute('Name',$labeld->cmdname); $format = $sxe->Command->Print->addChild('Format',$labeld->format); foreach ($labeld->fields as $key => $value) { $t = $sxe->Command->Print->addChild('NamedSubString'); $t->addAttribute('Name', $key); $t->addChild('Value',$value); } return xmlpp($sxe->asXML()); //use this for pretty xml //return $sxe->asXML(); //this will work too } // Main Start here $DEB = True; $DEB && error_log('REQ MTD is ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ' in ' . __FILE__); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { global $DEB; $labelJSON = $_POST['restData']; $BTHOST = $_POST['btHost']; $BTPORT = $_POST['btPort']; $DEB && error_log('Host ' . $BTHOST . ' Port ' . $BTPORT . ' in ' . __FILE__); $DEB && error_log('JSON data is ' . $labelJSON . ' in ' . __FILE__); $BTXML = JSON2btXML($labelJSON); $DEB && error_log('XML data is ' . $BTXML . ' in ' . __FILE__); requestBTXML($BTXML,$BTHOST,$BTPORT); } ?>
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And the setup for the tcpip protocol messages.. well it's at http://i.imgur.com/YnXKuFm.png . I can't link to it from here.
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FYI: Images can be inserted into your replies by clicking the "More Reply Options" button. External websites ware white listed to deter spammers.
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Here's the setup for the TCIP protocol in the attached image.
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As an update, BarTender 2016 and the Integrations Platform (that replaces Commander) now allows for web service events, and can consume JSON data content.