Commander Issues - Starting And Stopping Detection
We have a old version of commander enterprise. 7.1. It worked "ok" until a few days ago. Now it will work find, spitting out labels like crazy then all of the sudden it will stop. No warning, no error message, nothing. So we try to stop commander, that fails the software and service both lock up. It seems like something is getting hung up here.
We have tried the following steps to troubleshoot.
1. Installed on an entirely different server. Transferred task lists, same failures but at very random intervals.
2. Turned off all tasks (there are close to 100 tasks in the list) and just left one task. Commander started and stopped as many times as I clicked on it. No issues. Tried turning on tasks until it locked up, thought we narrowed it down to the 10 newest tasks entered. enabling everything but the last 10 tasks, we stopped and saved commander. Hit play and it worked fine. We thought great, lets import this task list to the server that originally had the issue. Put it on, opened it in commander. Started and stopped commander a few times. Crashed on the sixth time, with the 10 disabled.
I dont know what to do here. Our original server that this was installed on still works fine but it hasnt been updated in 6 months. It seems like some task here is messed up but locating the one that is messed up is not proving to be very easy.
Upgrading is not an option, our company wont make the purchase as we are moving away from it in 3 months. Just need a bandaid fix to get us by until then.
Any help would be appreciated as Seagull will not assist me because the software is obsolete.
1. Check that the License Server is detecting the hardware key okay and the BarTender is getting printer licensing from it.
2. Use the Commander trouble shooter at the below link to fault find your issue:
This could well be a non-interactive desktop heap issue. If it runs well as an application then this would point to that being the case.
3. You might want to try recreating the task list from scratch.
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Thanks for the reply. The license server is working fine. I looked at the commander troubleshooter. The only issue that I think it coult be is the heap issue like you said. I have increased the heap size to 1024 from 512. Hopefully when I get a chance to restart it, it will fix the problem. I will keep you posted.
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Rebooted after the heap size change. Still no luck. Heap size is 1024 and the software still fails. This is getting frustrating. I think our last resort is to try and rebuild the task list. This will be a daunting task as there are over 100 active tasks in there right now. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
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After trying some more things I created a new list. I added just one task to the list, hit start and stop multiple times (probably around 10) and that when it locked up. I don't know if that helps. Is there a guide to completely (registry and all) remove commander? maybe a fresh install will fix our issues. We have re installed commanded multiple times already.
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You never answered the question with regards to running Commander as an application as opposed to a service. Does it run better/correctly when running as an application or not?
What OS are you running this on?
Are you using Seagull printer drivers for thermal printers? If so, what version are they? Check this via the driver properties under the "About" tab.
If do try a reinstall, first do a full uninstall of the BarTender software, then delete any residual files in the "C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender" and "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Seagull\BarTender" folders, and delete these registry keys from the system registry using Regedit:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Seagull Scientific