Running Commander As An Application
We started experiencing issues this week with commander detecting new labels to print but only printing them intermittently so I switched to running Commander as an application and it seemed to clear up the issues.
Probably a crazy question but, with Commander running as an application now instead of a service, if I close the commander window will Commander still run or does the window need to remain open?
Unfortunately not. Running Commander as an application means that the UI window has to be running for the application to work. 0 -
Thank you. It seems like there has been quite a few people reporting this same type of issue (in my case, running Commander as a service was working fine for months and then all of a sudden every task started only working intermittently, there seemed to be no pattern to why a label/form would print only sometimes). I could literally just open the folders that Commander is monitoring and just keep changing the extension for the print jobs to a .txt file (the file type that Commander is waiting for) several times until it would print. I could however consistently open and print the label from Bartender.
The credentials used to run the service had not changed and I could not find any logical reason for this to start happening out of the blue. It seems that the most recommended way to fix this type of issue is to change from running Commander as a service to an application and vice versa but that doesn't really explain why the problem actually occurs.
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In case it helps anyone else, after switching to running Commander as an application, it fixed the issue with Commander only intermittently printing BUT Bartender label format windows kept opening on their own so I ended up closing everything and rebooting the server that Bartender is installed on and then I was able to change back to running Commander as a service and everything seems to be working fine now.
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To stop BarTender label windows from opening when using Commander as an application, select the Detection menu, than BarTender Command Handler Setup. Change 'visible windows' to 'none' to stop them from coming up. 0 -
To stop BarTender label windows from opening when using Commander as an application, select the Detection menu, than BarTender Command Handler Setup. Change 'visible windows' to 'none' to stop them from coming up.
Thanks for the tip!
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Hi, I have a question. I am running commander as an application because I have a virtual comms port which needs to be running before commander starts. I have commander as a start up program and to minimise. I would like to find out if there is a way to put it in the tray and not the taskbar.
Thanks0 -
Sure. You can either use it in the command line, instead of just using /MIN you can use /MIN=SystemTray, or inside of Commander, under Tools>General Options, set the Minimized Location to 'System Tray'. 0