Integration Service Not Listed In Running Services
I've inherited an existing BarTender printing setup and have run into an odd problem that is impacting only one of three servers running BarTender.
The server in question does not have the Integration Services process running, preventing us from using Document level actions. I have tried starting it manually from C:/Program Files/Seagull/Bar ImagesTender2022, where it does in fact live, but that does not start-up the process. Image below of Admin Console error, proof of no IntegrationService running, and location of IntegrationService executable I tried to use to start. All tasks were done using Adminstrative access.
Any thoughts? The other two servers are running just fine, and although we don't use Integrations explicitly, we do use Document Actions on labels that require the service to run to be functional.
My guess would be that you have either a Professional or Starter licence. Although when you install BarTender it will install all the companion applications and features of all versions these will not be available unless you have the correct licenced edition and for both Document Level Actions and Integrations you need to have either an Automation or Enterprise version of BarTender
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This server is licensed from a parent server using the same Enterprise product code as the other two servers that are having no issues with Integration Services.
License => Control/Internal/RnD
I wouldn't expect that to be an issue for just Control if that was the case, no? The license is near expiry, but we're renewing it soon, but again, why would that result in only one server of three having issues with the Integration Service process not running? It would be all three in both cases, but here I've just got one.
One thing I didn't note, is that when attempting to start the service manually through the application file in BarTender 2022, a command prompt window opens up briefly and then closes automatically. I was able to capture an image of that windows contents before it closed and it seems like I'm heading in the right direction, but I just need to get that window to stay open...0 -
Have you tried starting the service via the Windows Services option at the bottom of the list in Administration Console?
I have seen something similar where one of the Dependencies was not installed correctly or running.
Have you tried running a repair on the installation too and, if these dont work, and I know it is probably awkward if running on a server but have you tried rebooting the server to see if that allows the service to start?
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I was blissfully unaware of the ability to check the service states via the Admin Console, much thanks for that! Just doing that makes it quite clear during install someone missed a button and didn't add Integration Services, or something bugged out. Installation repair worked fixed it all up and it's looking like the service started. Still need to have a colleague check to see if Document Actions are working, but it would seem like they should be.
Much thanks, Peter!