Can´t print multiple labels in a single face
I want to print several labels on the same face of a A4 sheet, side by side. For example:
I have connected the btw to a database in JSON format, and what in the btxml I send which are the records I want to print. Then, if I generate the labels in a PDF it processes them correctly, one next to the other and in the same face:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLScript Version="2.0">
<Command Name="Print Operation">
<PrintToFileName MakeUnique="true" SelectAtPrintTime="false">C:\bartender_test_results\1000000.pdf</PrintToFileName>
<RecordSet Name="i4" Type="btJSON">
But if instead of generating a PDF, if I simply send the print order to a printer, instead of getting the same result as in the image above, it prints one label in each face of the page:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLScript Version="2.0">
<Command Name="Print Operation">
<Printer>KONICA MINOLTA CommonDriver PCL</Printer>
<RecordSet Name="i4" Type="btJSON">
What are the changes I should implement to my btxml in order to get the same results as for the pdf file?
Sorry not tried this with JSON type commands but normally you would configure the database connection to print X records per item and then add the fields on to the label template accordingly.
With 3 records per item you would get something like this in Designer: