


Batch Printing From Database


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    Legacy Poster

    I will clarify this because after I read what a wrote I didnt understand it!


    So I have an access data base with different batches say batches A, B,C.

    I also have a group of labels (approx 50).


    What I want to acheive is to at the time of printing I can query which batch I would like to print and the information is populated and printed for only batch B for all 50 labels.

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    Ian Cummings

    I'm still not sure what you're wanting, but perhaps this training video of record selection at print time might help:




    Remember also that Print Station can be used to call of batch files created by Batch Maker.

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    Legacy Poster
    • I don't know if this will help or not but I have a label table in my database that contains only the label data I want to print.  Then I can print all the records in that table.
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    Legacy Poster

    I understand what you are describing and have been unable to find the functionality as well.  I have three different labels with the same query field.  In my case, it is the ShipperID.  When I add the labels to the batch, and the end users runs the batch, print stations ask the user for the ShipperID three times.  It would be nice to if the batch functionality recognized that the three labels in the batch have the same query field and ask only once.  


    Does this sound like your issue?

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    Ian Cummings

    We don't currently support such a feature.  Your best bet is to implement a front-end application to control BarTender (Automation edition or higher), to take in the single input, and from that print the three separate documents using the same query criteria.

