


Query Labels Using Sql


4 条评论

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    Susan Chen
    Hi, dbro34:

    The below instructions allow you to be able to execute a SQL query through BarTender.

    1) Connect to your database in BarTender.
    2) Go to the SQL tab in the Database Setup Dialog and select Use Custom SQL Statement.
    3) Select Continue when prompted.

    You now have a large edit box which has a SELECT statement in it. This edit box can contain the SQL statement you want to apply(for example: SELECT * FROM `Sheet1$`

    I would suggest you test SQL statement in the SQL tool(for example SQL Server Management Studio) to make sure the SQL statement is correct.

    Hope it provide some help for you.

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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks for the info. This is what I am doing, but it requires that I either add the tables by the populated list or enter the table names manually. Just trying to shorten the development time as it takes a while to load or get info from the server. Could be a WAN problem on this end....

    Thanks again.
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    Legacy Poster
    One other question... After making a connection, how do you select on certain fields? Once I make a connection, the query wants to "SELECT *" from my source. I want to be able to only select a few fields.

    Any further insight appreciated.
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    Paul Tejano

    Hi sir,

    If i removed my SQL application. what would be possible errors?



