How To Add Separator In Number???
my file & excel DB
how to add separator for "gia ban" object???
i like to display 200.000 (with dot separator) instead of 200000 (without dot)
// sorry for my very bad English :(
In the properties for the data source that links to the Excel field in question, select the "Data Type" tab and choose the "Number" option for type and then a locale such as Spanish that uses a dot for a thousands separator.
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In the properties for the data source that links to the Excel field in question, select the "Data Type" tab and choose the "Number" option for type and then a locale such as Spanish that uses a dot for a thousands separator.
i can't find "data type" tab. help me pls.
here is my screenshot image
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Hmmm, it looks like you have an older version of BarTender. Instead you should click on the "More Options" button, and enable VB Scriping for an OnProcessData VB script. You'd then write an expression something along the lines of the following if you're wanting the continental style thousands separator: value = FormatNumber(value,0,true) Or the following if you want a decimal point to three places: value = FormatNumber(value,3)
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Hmmm, it looks like you have an older version of BarTender. Instead you should click on the "More Options" button, and enable VB Scriping for an OnProcessData VB script. You'd then write an expression something along the lines of the following if you're wanting the continental style thousands separator: value = FormatNumber(value,0,true) Or the following if you want a decimal point to three places: value = FormatNumber(value,3)
i do as u said but it's show error #6900 as following:
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Perhaps the value is seen as a string and thus we need to convert it before formatting as a number:
value = FormatNumber(CDBL(value),3)
Another, not so elegant approach, but which should work for you, could be to have three sub-strings in the one text object. The first sub-string would be the field in question with that last three digits truncated, the second being screen data of a value of ".", and the third being the field again which only keeps that last three digits.
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How to add parentheses in Qr code GS1? in human readerable i can see parentheses (ex: (00)102553782310045626), when i scan i only receive number without parentheses (ex: 0012553782310045626). how to receive (00)1022553782310045626 when i scan.
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Tanh: The parenthesis and spaces are only relevant to the human readable form of the GS1 code. The actual GS1 data read from the barcode does not contain that addtional formatting, as per the GS1 standard. Therefore an example data stream from the barcode reader of 0012553782310045626 would be correct. Trying to introduce extra formatting to that input would be wrong. Of course later representation of the code in its human readable form, from within the data capture software you use is fine, but that is not a concern of BarTender.
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This is Qr code contain parentheses with GS1, how to do the same? thank you.
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Tanh: That is simply a regular QR-Code with the data manually entered to simulate a true GS1 formatted QR-Code. Therefore, your data would need to insert the checkdigits and FNC1 data terminators (^1 when using BarTender's syntax) itself. Basically to be in full control of the entire data sourcing and calculation of the code. Good luck!
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That is not a valid GS1 QR Code symbol.
You could make it up like this (as a regular QR Code) but it will not meet the GS1 standard and so may not be what your customer is expecting.
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Thank so much, it's really usefully.
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Text file log in excel format .
In bartender, after printing a file, a text log file will be output in notepad format. I want it to be exported to an excel file, what should I do? Thanks.
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You will need to create an Action to achieve this, for example (via the Data Entry Form option)
You can also create an action via this screen from the File menu:
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