


Batch Automation


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    Ian Cummings
    If you create a batch file in Batch Maker, save it to file and then open the .btbat file in a text editor like Notepad, then you will see that what is created is really BarTender XML Script.

    *Note that BTXML is an Enterprise Automation edition feature.

    Therefore the solution to your problem is to use BTXML in the contents of your trigger files. This allows you to produce a sequence of print jobs of the same or different labels/printers from the one trigger event.

    Commander Script (Automation edition feature) has similar capabilities, but is less flexible and is not as powerful.

    Take a look at the BarTender Help system under the "Automating BarTender" topic for a full reference on BTXML.
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    Ian Cummings
    A quick example from the BarTender Help system:

    You can send more than one print job within a single BTXML file or string. To do this, include a <Command> section for each print job you want to send.

    The following example sends 3 print jobs (3 different <Command> sections) to the printer. Each job opens a different label, prints 5 copies and closes the format without saving it.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <XMLScript Version="2.0">
    <Command Name="Job1">
    <Format CloseAtEndOfJob="true">Label1.btw</Format>
    <Command Name="Job2">
    <Format CloseAtEndOfJob="true">Label2.btw</Format>
    <Command Name="Job3">
    <Format CloseAtEndOfJob="true">Label3.btw</Format>
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    Legacy Poster
    Hi Ian,
    This is GREAT.

    Have not read the documentation on XML... kinda thought it was just a different way to skin the same cat... but I will now!

    This will open up a completely new way for me to approach production.

    thanx for the info,
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    Legacy Poster
    [quote name='Ian C - Seagull Support' timestamp='1316512680' post='647']
    If you create a batch file in Batch Maker, save it to file and then open the .btbat file in a text editor like Notepad, then you will see that what is created is really BarTender XML Script.

    *Note that BTXML is an Enterprise Automation edition feature.

    Therefore the solution to your problem is to use BTXML in the contents of your trigger files. This allows you to produce a sequence of print jobs of the same or different labels/printers from the one trigger event.

    Commander Script (Automation edition feature) has similar capabilities, but is less flexible and is not as powerful.

    Take a look at the BarTender Help system under the "Automating BarTender" topic for a full reference on BTXML.

    So you use the
    as the last command tag in the trigger file -- with your XML in double quotes. How do you have to accomodate the various double-quote marks that will be in that XML ?
    Change them to single quotes in the XML? 'Escape' them in some manner?

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    Ian Cummings
    If you're using the Commander utility then only the XML script itself is needed in the trigger file. The command used in the task is the "BarTender XML Script" command. Note that if you don't have the Enterprise Automation edition this command option won't be visible.

    To show What I mean, I've attached a screenshot.
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    Legacy Poster
    [quote name='Ian C - Seagull Support' timestamp='1321634366' post='1084']
    If you're using the Commander utility then only the XML script itself is needed in the trigger file. The command used in the task is the "BarTender XML Script" command. Note that if you don't have the Enterprise Automation edition this command option won't be visible.

    To show What I mean, I've attached a screenshot.

    I am not getting the XML scripting options -- and I'm confused regarding what version I have. Mine says "Edition: Enterprise (3 Printers)" / "Version: 9.2 SR2".
    I don't see that edition listed on your web pages (the edition comparison list "Enterprise Automation", "Automation", "Professional", and "Basic". I'm puzzled...

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    Ian Cummings
    As of v9.30 onwards we renamed the Enterprise editions to be Automation (which was Enterprise) and Enterprise Automation (which was Enterprise Print Server) dropping RFID Enterprise altogether. Note that the RFID functionality is available in both Automation editions.

    Unfortunately for you, the XML Script capability is an Enterprise Print Server (now Enterprise Automation) feature only. If you wish to use XML Script, you will need to upgrade the edition to the highest. Contact sales for your region for further details.


    The alternative is to use Commander Script which gives similar functionality in terms of printing labels in Commander, but isn't as powerful. There is an example of its use in the below white paper:

