


2D Barcode Issue


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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Are you just refering to the Sample box under the "Data Source" tab of the bar code object properties dialog, or do you also mean that the bar code / human readable looks different on BarTender's label design form? 


    Have you perhaps attached a CR control character after 000100.00? I don't have v9.4 in front of me for testing purposes, but have you tried to make the "Bar Code Properties" dialog larger?


    It might be better if you attach the BarTender document (.btw) to this topic and further explain us the problem.

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    Legacy Poster

    how i can make a new PDF417 code with data i have mobile phone IMEI 
    i want minimum 20 IMEI in one PDF417 Code but i dont know how to put data and how to generate new code 
    anybody can help me or send me PDF417 Code Symbol 
    I am Using barcode 10 with license 

