


Help! Serializing From Database


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    Maybe since my english is not the best another word for "entry" should be "record" - so I don't want bartender to print every record from the database but only every let's say 500st record, and I also don't want it to start at 1 but at 499 for example. Please help! :)
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    Your solution will be to alter your Excel file to take every 500th record and create a fresh datafile from that. This can possibly be done with cell formulas, but could definitely be done with an Excel Macro.

    Edit: Okay here we go. Take the data I've pasted below and copy it into a cell beside all your data in excel. If you have all your data that needs to be printed in Column A, This will create a new column that only takes every 500th record. I've used spoiler tags because it's long. Click spoiler to expand.


    If you have multiple columns of data, you'll just have to repeat this process (Put the data to pull in column A. Copy and paste as values after you've pulled every 500th label), until you have done all columns. Not the best way to go about it, and a macro would work much better, but if it's urgent, this is a workaround for you.
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    Hey thanks for your input, it did work indeed, and meanwhile we found out another - probably easier solution which I'd like to share:

    we created an excel file with 1, 500, 501, 1001, etc. in one line (not row) - exported it as .csv - opened in editor, copy/pasted in the "print records:" line in the printer-dialog window and it worked, altough this is also only a workaround :) .. I hope that the guys at Seagull implement this feature, I wonder that noone else had this problem before... :)
