正在啟用BarTender 2019及以上版本
What you'll need:
一組BarTender 產品金鑰
若您現有的BarTener授權具備有效的 維護與支援 合約,則您可使用現有產品金鑰啟用BarTender 2019及以上版本。
若您沒有有效的產品金鑰,則您可獲得 BarTender 30天免費試用.
BarTender 安裝
若您尚未安裝BarTender,則可從我們的 下載頁下載軟體
若您已安裝 BarTender但未啟用,則您可開啟任何BarTender 附屬應用程式以開始啟用流程。
可於 Administration Console中找到啟用與授權管理。您可在此增加一個額外授權至您的網路,或啟用一個新的授權(首次啟用或變更您的產品金鑰)。
- 開啟 Administration Consol
- 從左邊選單選擇授權
- 點選「啟用新授權」
- 接著 輸入新的產品金鑰代碼
- 選擇以啟用軟體並點選下一步
- 若精靈中有一個授權伺服器清單,選擇該伺服器以輸入新的產品金鑰代碼。
- 在方格中輸入產品金鑰代碼並點選 下一步.
- 在下一個畫面中指定您想授權的主機位置。
- 若您想要指定目前的電腦為授權主機,只要在清單中選擇您的電腦
- 若您想在另一部裝置為授權主機,則可從清單中選擇該名稱(若為區域網路)或鍵入主機名稱。
- 不輸人新產品金鑰代碼,則您有兩種選擇方式搜尋您網路中現有的授權伺服器。
- 依預設,在首次啟用時,授權精靈將提供在您網路中所找到的授權。如果您在列表中未找到您的授權伺服器,點選「更新」選擇’「搜尋」。
- 點選「搜尋現有授權」以手動鍵入伺服器/主機名稱或IP及連接埠號碼。依預設,所有授權的區域網路是在連接埠5160。
- 在任一種方式下,精靈將顯示您網路中區域網路內的授權清單。從清單中選擇與授權伺服器主機名稱與支援號碼相符的授權,並點選下一步。
- 精靈將通知您在此過程中需要穩定的網路連線。若無,請參閱 BarTender離線啟用。
- 啟用完成後,您將收到確認通知。
- 接著您可選擇是否要讓網路中的其他電腦獲得授權。當您完成該選項的選擇動作,點選 下一步.
- 為您的軟體註冊,接著點選 結束 以關閉精靈。
Activating version 2016 and earlier
What you'll need:
A BarTender Product Key Code
This is a 16-digit alphanumeric code separated by dashes used to activate your software. The support number looks similar but is used by support when you contact us. You cannot activate your software with the support number.
If you have purchased upgrades in the past, you will need the most recently purchased key for activation. You will also need a previous key to confirm the upgrade.
BarTender Installation
If you don't have BarTender installed yet, you can download the software from our downloads page. For previous versions, please do the following to download the correct software version:
- Click on "Other versions and options"
- Select your version from the dropdown list
- Click the green Download button
If you updating from a previous version of BarTender, please see our update guide for assistance: Updating version to BarTender 2016
Click on the text that best describes your scenario
I'm activating during installation
How to activate during installation
Toward the end of the installation process you will be prompted to activate the software.
- Click Activate Now button to open the Enter Product Key Code window.
- Enter the Product Key Code provided in the software package or confirmation email you received.
- Click Next to open the Activation Policy window.
- Select (check) I Agree to accept the Activation Policy.
- Click Next to open the Select Country window.
- From the dropdown list, select the desired country and click Next.
- You will see a notice about an active Internet connection. Click Next. The Activation Wizard Completed window opens.
- Click Finish.
You have successfully activated the BarTender Suite.
I'm activating BarTender after installing it
How to activate post installation
You can also activate the BarTender Suite after your installation has completed, or if you have previously installed a BarTender Trial edition.
- From the BarTender Help menu, select Activate This Software.
- Leave Activate BarTender Suite selected and click Next to open the Enter Product Key Code window.
- Enter the Product Key Code provided in the software packaging or confirmation email you received.
- Click Next to open the Activation Policy window.
- Select (check) I Agree to accept the Activation Policy.
- Click Next to open the Select Country window.
- From the dropdown list, select the country that you're activating in and click Next.
- You will see a notice about an active Internet connection. Click Next. The Activation Wizard Completed window opens.
- Click Finish.
You have successfully activated the BarTender Suite.
I'm activating the Seagull License Server
Please see this article for a comprehensive guide: Installing and activating Seagull License Server in BarTender 2016
I'm activating but I don't have an internet connection
If you are activating your suite and don't have an internet connection, please see our guide on how to do an Offline Activation.
I'm getting an error while activating
If you are having trouble with activating or receiving an error, please see our Activation Troubleshooter or contact support for assistance.