Need every 5 the label was printed as a separator.
Hello. I Need every 5 the label was printed as a separator. Need to print 1000 labels barcode and each 5 should be a separator with a static text.
Please help.
BarTender (version 10.0 Automation single user)
Shotaro Ito
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hello Vladimr - You could use Template function however in V10.0 template's condition is limited - so that's a bit complex.
Add a separator template in primary templates, from Page setup > Templates.
You can apply condition such as Print when a Named data source is true. Try..Text 1: Embedded data "1", data source name COUNTER, enable serialization with increment, serialized per copy, do not update after print.
Text 2: VB Script, data source name SEPARATOR, Event control script
If COUNTER MOD 5 = 0 Then
Value = True
Value = False
End IfOn Separator template's print condition, set when Named data source SEPARATOR is true.
In latest BarTender 2016 you have condition such as Named data source value = 5 which makes much easier.
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