


Can a BTXML file contain embedded printer label template information or point to a remote file?


3 條評論

  • 正式評論
    Gene Henson

    There's no way to embed the template file directly in the XML. However, you can use Cloud storage to retrieve documents from any of these locations:

    • Amazon S3
    • Dropbox
    • Microsoft OneDrive
    • FTP
    • FTPS
    • SFTP
    • WebDav

    Depending your setup, one of those options should get you what you need.

    Here's a link to the BarTender help topic on this: http://help.seagullscientific.com/2016/en/#../Subsystems/AdminConsole/Content/Int_CloudStorage.html


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    Matt Dolnik

    "Depending your setup, one of those options should get you what you need."

    Since I am already getting the BTXML file from FTP (ie: I already have the FTP credentials setup) how would I set this up in the BTXML to point to the remote template file?

    If I put in <Format CloseAtEndOfJob="true">ftp://ftp.mysite.com/templates/MyTemplateFile.btw</Format> Then I get this error when running the integration:

    Failed to run action 'Print BTXML Script'. Details: BarTender document 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Documents\BarTender\BarTender Documents\ftp://ftp.mysite.com/templates/MyTemplateFile.btw' does not exist or can not be accessed.

    So it doesn't seem to be looking at the FTP for the template file, it's just appending the url to a local folder and failing.

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    Matt Dolnik

    I have been told by a Bartender representative via email that: "We reviewed this internally and it looks like at the moment you cannot access BTW files in Cloud or FTP storage. We apologize for the inconvenience but we have made a feature request for you to our development team."

    So I guess that answers my question.

    If anyone has a work-around please respond.

