Bartender integration with IFS ERP
I've semi inherited our ERP system and functionality until we can get a dedicated ERP administrator hired. Lately our shipping dept has reported more and more issues printing from our ERP system. What was documented when this happens is to stop/start the print agent services on the Bartender server. I don't that actually works. The following is what I have identified, and have been doing when there are issues printing.
When the jobs print successfully:
1. Jobs from ERP gets sent to the Bartender server with the correct printer ID = /PRN = \\HOSTNAME\PRINTERNAME
2. DD file on Bartender server DROPS folder converts to DAT file
When the jobs fail:
1. Jobs from ERP gests sent to the Bargender server with teh incorrect printer ID = XXX /PRN = \\ERPUSERNAME
2. DD file does not convert to DAT file
3. DD file gets removed from DROPS folder and we have the user(s) try printing again. Typically this helps and printing resumes successfully
I will note that a month ago I accidently removed the integration by accident from the Bartender admin console. I immediately added it back after realizing what I did. From that day up until now failed printing jobs only failed twice. I'm not sure if that was just a coincidence or not. Before accidently removing the integration, failed jobs could happen as much as 3 times a week.
I have an open ticket with our ERP support team but they haven't been much help yet. I wanted to see if I can get some assistance from the Bartender side.
Thank you.
BarTender can only process with the information it is given , if the ERP is passing out incorrect instructions then there is what needs to be looked at as the system is failing before it hits the integration and BarTender
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