


White QR Code


4 條評論

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    Peter Thane

    Not sure but I would look at the Arrange options and Move to Front. Send to Back etc and also allow set the Print Method (from the Symbology and Size tab in the QR code properties to allow BarTender to control this).

    I understand some readers/apps cannot read inverted QR codes and so you maybe better placing a standard black QR in white rectangle on the label, something like this


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    Cyrus Py

    Hello!, managed to get the QR codes to print using a blue square.

    The heat transfer printer is monochrome only, so it's not an issue. I get the black background either way on the label.

    Now I have another issue with serialization. Should I create a new post for that?.

    New issue is that I only get QR codes for the last label.

    I have on a single label 2 QR codes.
    The one on the top starts at 1
    The one on the bottom starts at 2
    Both autoincrement in 2.

    If I print only 1 label, I get two QR codes.
    If I print 5, the last one has the QR codes. 1, 2, 3, 4 get the correct description but not QR code.

    I'm puzzled now.

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    Cyrus Py

    Interestingly enough, if I set everything back to black on white, deleting the blue square. Seríalization works (text + QR codes present in the 5 labels (2 per label, 10 in total).

    Can this be a bug because of an edge case (no regular black on white QR codes)?

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    Cyrus Py

    After further testing, I have 4 attempts/sets (left to right)

    1- Black rectangle at the top (with "send to bottom" ) + QR Code and text set to white at the top + QR Code with default "black on white" and text white on black, no rectangle in background at the bottom

    2- Blue rectangle covering the label completely (with "send to bottom" ) + both instances of QR Code and text set to white

    3- Blue rectangle at the top (with "send to bottom") + QR Code and text set to white at the top + QR Code set to black & text to white on top of black, no rectangle in background at the bottom.

    4- No rectangle in the background + stock black QR Code and text for both instances.


    PS: everything handled by Bartender (QR Code + Text), no generation delegated to the printer.

