URL based Data Source
I have a label where I need to have a data source being the return from a URL GET which is based on a URL stub with data inputted by the user. All the research I'm doing on this is giving me data about setting up a RESTful server from Bartender to allow Bartender to be controlled from another system. This is the opposite where Bartender is the execution system retrieving data from a GET call to a URL.
I'm running bartender professional is there an external execution call I can make and I can then just run a WGET and populate a field with that data?
Hi Neil,
If I understand correctly, you want to use BarTender to trigger a GET request, and then use the response data as a data source to print labels.
This can be achieved using BarTender Process Builder and the "Send Web Service Request" action. In this action, you can set up the URL with a static part and variables for the URL stub that users can input. For instance, if the user inputs "123456", the Web request URL would be like this: https://api.example.com/data?Barcode=123456.
Hopefully this helps.
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