


Print Order From Trigger Files With Individual Rows Of Data


5 條評論

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    Ian Cummings
    Make sure the task is using a BarTender command handler with only a single process. Commander issues print requests on trigger files by date/time stamp, so files that arrive first get processed and printed first. If many files are "dumped" at the same time resulting with the same date/time stamp then Commander orders printing by alphanumeric file names.

    Therefore, to help ensure the correct order only use a single BarTender process, and either insert a small delay between each trigger being produced or serialize the trigger file name.
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    Legacy Poster
    I am in same situation not printing sequence.

    setup XML with label content trigger (file detection , 6 printers total).

    Business is in high volume shipping and setup according to Page 8 of Bartender Whitepaper with multi process.

    1. With multi processes in result printing not in sequence
    2. With 1 single process make print in sequence in result over hundreds XML wait for translate and user report wait for 8 mins + for label print out.
    3. Setup multi tasks lookup same folder by lookup Wildcard char of filename. e.g. Task 1 lookup Printer1*.xml. Task 2 lookup Printer2*.xml all tasks lookup same folder. in result all tasks being hang.

    is there any solution for printing in order with high volume process?
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    Ian Cummings
    To Larry,

    Sorry, but it's a bit difficult to understand the specifics of your set-up. Are you wanting labels to print in order on any one individual printer out of the range of six printers. Can you try describing things a little clearer?

    Note that it is simply not possible to maintain print order on multiple processes. The main problem is that some print jobs will get processed quicker than others, even if they all started in the correct order. Much depends on the label format in use, what is being requested to print, and other print time considerations and low level functions.
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    Legacy Poster
    About 8000 xml per hrs print to 6 printers.
    I tried below 2 solutions to manage high volume label printing
    1st setting with printing seq problem
    2nd setting will get system freeze after running for awhile.

    1st setup - with printing seq problem.

    [color="#9ACD32"]TaskName [Express Shpment]
    Scan Folder: "c:\ExpShipment"[/color]
    Detection : Immediate
    Files to Scan for : *.xml
    Detection Response : Rename File
    New Extension : TXT
    Locaked-File Timeout : 30 Sec
    Transform : Oracle XML to Bartender XML Script
    Command Type : BarTender XML
    Handler : EXPSHP (with 6 processes)

    When reduce # of processes from 6 to 1. in result over hundreds XML wait for translate.

    2nd Setup - system being freeze

    TaskName [PrinterA]
    [color="#9ACD32"]Scan Folder : "C:\ExpShipment"[/color]
    Detection : Immediate
    [color="#9ACD32"]Files to Scan for : PrinterA*.xml[/color]
    Detection Response : Rename File
    New Extension : TXT
    Locaked-File Timeout : 30 Sec
    Transform : Oracle XML to Bartender XML Script
    Command Type : BarTender XML
    Handler : PrinterA (with 1 processes)

    TaskName [PrinterB]
    [color="#9ACD32"]Scan Folder : "C:\ExpShipment"[/color]
    Detection : Immediate
    [color="#9ACD32"]Files to Scan for : PrinterB*.xml[/color]
    Detection Response : Rename File
    New Extension : TXT
    Locaked-File Timeout : 30 Sec
    Transform : Oracle XML to Bartender XML Script
    Command Type : BarTender XML
    Handler : PrinterB (with 1 processes)

    TaskName [PrinterC]
    [color="#9ACD32"]Scan Folder : "C:\ExpShipment"[/color]
    Detection : Immediate
    [color="#9ACD32"]Files to Scan for : PrinterC*.xml[/color]
    Detection Response : Rename File
    New Extension : TXT
    Locaked-File Timeout : 30 Sec
    Transform : Oracle XML to Bartender XML Script
    Command Type : BarTender XML
    Handler : PrinterC (with 1 processes)

    TaskName [PrinterD]
    [color="#9ACD32"]Scan Folder : "C:\ExpShipment"[/color]
    Detection : Immediate
    [color="#9ACD32"]Files to Scan for : PrinterD*.xml[/color]
    Detection Response : Rename File
    New Extension : TXT
    Locaked-File Timeout : 30 Sec
    Transform : Oracle XML to Bartender XML Script
    Command Type : BarTender XML
    Handler : PrinterD (with 1 processes)

    TaskName [PrinterE]
    [color="#9ACD32"]Scan Folder : "C:\ExpShipment"[/color]
    Detection : Immediate
    [color="#9ACD32"]Files to Scan for : PrinterE*.xml[/color]
    Detection Response : Rename File
    New Extension : TXT
    Locaked-File Timeout : 30 Sec
    Transform : Oracle XML to Bartender XML Script
    Command Type : BarTender XML
    Handler : PrinterE (with 1 processes)

    TaskName [PrinterF]
    [color="#9ACD32"]Scan Folder : "C:\ExpShipment"[/color]
    Detection : Immediate
    [color="#9ACD32"]Files to Scan for : PrinterF*.xml[/color]
    Detection Response : Rename File
    New Extension : TXT
    Locaked-File Timeout : 30 Sec
    Transform : Oracle XML to Bartender XML Script
    Command Type : BarTender XML
    Handler : PrinterF (with 1 processes)
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    Ian Cummings
    Thanks for the information, that is now much clearer.

    The second set-up you have configured should certainly help maintain the correct order, while at the same time giving perhaps some adequate through-put. I would expect this set-up to be as stable as your first, so I think we should look at why it fails after some time. To that end I will need some specific details on your environment.

    1. What is the version and build of BarTender in use?

    2. What version of Windows is in use?

    3. What is the make and model of the printers being used? If these are thermal printers using a Seagull printer driver, what version of the driver is in use?

    4. Are the printer drivers installed locally on the computer running BarTender/Commander, or are they shared from some other computer in a server/client driver set-up.
