Dynamics Sl Integration
There are a few for Dynamics AX, but I am not aware of any for Dynamics SL.
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As you might imagine there are many systems out there of various types so we don't have materials giving a specific "how to" on each and every one of them. The exception there being for the likes of Oracle and SAP. Certainly the are a number of ways in which you could integrate BarTender with Microsoft Dynamics SL(ERP), I suggest you take a look at the below white papers and decide on which makes the most sense for yourselves. As a default start position, I'd be minded to make use of the Integrations Platform in BarTender 2016.
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Great Thanks for the replies..And Ian C, I got some ideas from your answer,thank you!
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Is there any way to import data from "txt" file into Labels. As I want to print data from my text file into labels, So is there any possibilities to do that?
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Does the text file contain record data with fields, like what you get in a CSV file, or do you want to data source the text, as is, in the text file to print directly in the label using a single text object. BarTender can of course do either.
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Is there any document or pdf available for file integration. please post if there any files.
I referred the following pdf:
This gives the clear details about Web Service Integration.
Likewise kindly post pdf for file integration so that it will help me a lot.
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For a simple POSTed data example that uses CSV data as the payload, its not so dissimilar to the GET example. However, as we're POSTing data the parameters will not be used, and thus the custom variables in the integration are not needed. For the first action select the "Transform Text to Record Set", which as the name suggests, transforms the payload data into a BarTender record set object that the document you wish to print can be connected to, Click the "Database Setup" button in this action to connect to a sample file of the same field structure as will be used at print time. Make sure your BarTender document has database data sources defined, with the name of the field it is to connect to.
Note the payload content of POSTed data is set to the "%EventData% integration variable, so therefore the input of the transform action will make use of the variable, but likewise, the output will be to the integration variable %EventData% although it can be different if you want.
Your next action can be a Print Document action, and here you need to make sure you set the "Database Overrides" so that the variable %EventData% is selected. I think in this case, "Integration Input Data" will also do the trick. Note that the field values can also be referenced in the action, so for example if you have a field in the CSV titled "fldPrinterName", then you could make use of the contained value via the %fldPrinterName% integration variable to set the printer that you wish to use for the print job.
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We use Bartender Automation with Dynamics SL and have found it to work well. The basic process is to create your labels linked to a stored procedure. You can then customize any screen with a custom button and use the bartender command line to print a label linked to a record.
Here is a script I use to print Packing and Item labels from a button on the Shippers Screen. As you can see, I used a users field in the soshipaddress table to further customize the labeling options. We have a default label and the option to create custom labels for Customers or Ship Addresses. The Ship Address screen has an option to select a label type. You are welcome to contact me for more information about this implementation.
Private Sub BTLabels_Click()
Dim CmdLine As String
Dim Path As String
Dim SqlStmt1 As String
'Check the Status of the Shipper
If Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshipperid_0")) <> "<NEW>" And Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cstatus_0")) <> "Closed" Then
'Set the Default Path
Path = "M:\Bartender Labels\"
'If the Ship to Type is Customer, lookup the ShiptoID for the type of label to print
If Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshiptotype_0")) = "Customer" Then
SqlStmt1 = "Select * from SOAddress where CustID = " + SParm(Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshipcustid_0"))) + " and ShiptoID = " + SParm(Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshiptoid_0")))
'Retreive the Customer NoteID
Call sql(c1, SqlStmt1)
serr1 = SFetch1(c1, bSOAddress, LenB(bSOAddress))
Call SqlFree(c1)If serr1 <> NOTFOUND Then
Select Case Trim(bSOAddress.User5)
Path = "M:\Bartender Labels\" & Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshipcustid_0")) & "\"
GoTo PrintLabels
Path = "M:\Bartender Labels\" & Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshipcustid_0")) & "\" & Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshiptoid_0")) & "\"
GoTo PrintLabels
Case "AJACS"
GoTo PrintLabels
Case Else
GoTo PrintLabels
End Select
GoTo PrintLabels
End If
GoTo PrintLabels
End If
serr1 = MsgBox(Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshipperid_0")) & " is closed or not available for printing labels", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error")
GoTo LastLine
End If
'Print Ajacs Packing; Label
CmdLine = "C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite\bartend.exe /F=" & Chr(34) & Path & "Package.btw" & Chr(34) & " /P /?ShipperID=" & Chr(34) & Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshipperid_0")) & Chr(34)
serr1 = Launch(CmdLine, False, False, 0)
'Print Ajacs Item Labels
CmdLine = "C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite\bartend.exe /F=" & Chr(34) & Path & "Item.btw" & Chr(34) & " /P /?ShipperID=" & Chr(34) & Trim(sivMyApp.Controls("cshipperid_0")) & Chr(34)
serr1 = Launch(CmdLine, False, False, 0)
End Sub0
8 條評論