


Bartender 10: Label Design Containing Columns From Several Records To Be Retrieved From Oracle Db Won't Print Correctly


3 條評論

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    Domingo Rodriguez
    From your question, it seems that you're after printing data from multiple records from your database, something which is not directly supported in BarTender.

    There is a concept in our world of “multiple records per page/label” and as well ”Multiple Pages Documents”. This is generally the world of forms/reports. So, an application like Crystal Reports is set up to do this kind of multiple records per page printing. BarTender was originally not set up for this world. We may well add this functionality in the future, but it is difficult, because we would then get into some rather deep page dimension issues (variable length pages), how to graphically handle the header versus the body versus the footer, etc.

    1.- At the moment we don’t support such a thing directly, but it can be achieved through the use of a VB script to data source a paragraph text object with your record data. As it happens we recently had such a question on our forum and one of the forum members created an example which you can modify for your own needs.


    2.- We also have a small ActiveX sample which is kind of similar, but this time automating BarTender externally. This sample will help you to indirectly support "Multiple Records per Label + headers and footers (if requested)" on your label / page.

    If you're interested in this example, you can contact our technical support department via Email at http://www.seagullscientific.com/aspx/technical-support.aspx#contact and make reference to this forum question.
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    Legacy Poster
    Hello Domingo,
    thank you very much for your reply. I was out of office for some days but I'll test the proposed vba method in the next days and let you know.
    :-) Bernhard
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    Legacy Poster
    Hello again,
    meanwhile I found another solution. I defined a "flat" oracle view which is designed for max amount of table records. This view will be used instead of the oracle table to get my data. Important: as the view collects data from the table, BOTH of them must be defined in the ODBC database connection settings.

    Nevertheless another problem showed up. Unfortunately there may be more record content to be printed than there is space on one label. That means the surplus data fields must be printed on one or even two subsequent labels. How could I achive this ? Is there a way to use VBscripting to keep track of the already printed data and send a kind of FormFeed to the printer?

    Thanks for your help!

    :-) Bernhard
