Oracle 11G Client 64-Bit + Bartender-9.4
I'm trying to get Bartender9.4 Enterpise Automation to see a System DSN on Windows Server 2008R2 64-bit
Oracle can see it and test it, the WS 2008R2 can see the system DSN Ok, both of these are 64bit, as is the Linux database its talking to.
Bartender just comes up empty in the DSN box.
What can I do to configure this ? I suspect Bartender might be trying to use the sysWOW64 odbcad32.exe which is actually 32bit {{:-{
Any help greatly appreciated....
Cheers Vin
You're exactly correct. BarTender is a 32 bit application. It requires any OLE or ODBC connectors to be 32 bit as well. So you'd need to get a 32 bit driver and set up a system DSN for that.
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Thanks Mike,
I tried the Oracle 32 bit but it just failed out msorcl.dll not found..
Now I know what the Bartender issue is I will give it another go tomorrow.
Cheers Vin
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