


Wps Admin Page Not Showing Printers


4 條評論

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    Domingo Rodriguez
    Hello Jose,

    Have you done a local installation of the Seagull printer driver for this printer on the computer where IIS and BT-WPS has been installed?

    Did you try to open the printer driver properties, then select the "Security" tab and specifically add "IIS_WEBPRINT" account to have full control over this printer?

    The WPS web.config file must be edited to remove the <identity /> tag. This tag is located in application or site root which WPS was installed to and is used for IIS 5.0 and 5.1 (Win 2000 and XP) where application pools did not exist. Open the web.config (under "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\BT-WPS\") in Notepad and search for the text "<identity". The tag is located in /configuration/system.web. Be sure to remove the entire line and restart IIS.

    If you try and run the application pool for BT-WPS under a different account than BT-WPS, is the Web Print Server admin page able to see the printers?
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    Legacy Poster
    [color="#FF0000"][/color][quote name='Domingo - Seagull Support' timestamp='1352808574' post='3692']
    Hello Jose,

    [color="#FF0000"]Hello and thanks for your help.[/color]

    Have you done a local installation of the Seagull printer driver for this printer on the computer where IIS and BT-WPS has been installed?

    [color="#FF0000"]Yes I did, even I installed Adobe PDF printer locally.[/color]

    Did you try to open the printer driver properties, then select the "Security" tab and specifically add "IIS_WEBPRINT" account to have full control over this printer?

    [color="#FF0000"]The IIS_WEBPRINT belongs to the Administrators group, anyway I explicitly granted it full control to the printer, without sucess.[/color]

    The WPS web.config file must be edited to remove the <identity /> tag. This tag is located in application or site root which WPS was installed to and is used for IIS 5.0 and 5.1 (Win 2000 and XP) where application pools did not exist. Open the web.config (under "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\BT-WPS\") in Notepad and search for the text "<identity". The tag is located in /configuration/system.web. Be sure to remove the entire line and restart IIS.

    [color="#FF0000"]Removed that line and restarted IIS, but sadly nothing changed.[/color]

    If you try and run the application pool for BT-WPS under a different account than BT-WPS, is the Web Print Server admin page able to see the printers?

    [color="#FF0000"]I changed the application pools identity, and used the local administrator, but after restarting IIS I got an "Service Unavailable" error when opening the admin web page.[/color]

    Best Regards,
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    Legacy Poster
    I am having the same issue. I removed the Identity tag but the application pool crashes after trying to load a page.

    Server 2003 IIS 6

    IIS_WEBPRINT is a domain user and bartender user
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    Legacy Poster
    [quote name='Auriferous' timestamp='1353442053' post='3754']
    I am having the same issue. I removed the Identity tag but the application pool crashes after trying to load a page.

    Server 2003 IIS 6

    IIS_WEBPRINT is a domain user and bartender user

    I got it to work using administrator but am yet to get IIS_WebPrint user running app pool.
