No Printers Are Showing Under 'standard Windows Printing'
I've installed BarTender version 10.1 SR4 to a server that has 70+ printers installed locally on it, but when I go to the Site Administration>Print page to enable Standard Windows Printing' -- there are no printers listed in the window 'Printers available' -- see attached screen shot.
And when I try to print a label I get the message at the top of the label page "Printing is disabled because no printer names or models have been selected for either Standard Windows Printing or Internet Printing in the BarTender Web Print Server Administration page. At least one printer name or model must be selected.".
How do I fix?
I contacted BarTender suport for the answer for this -- it's a simple registering of a dll to fix it:
In some cases Web Print Server will not reflect any locally installed printers in the BTAdmin.aspx Print tab. In that case, usually what that means is that the BarTender Print Client DLL isn't registered appropriately in Windows.
To register it:
- Open command prompt.
- Navigate to the directory C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BT-WPS\BarTenderWebClientRuntime or BarTenderWebClientRuntime directory of where web print server is installed.
- Run the following command regsvr32 BarTenderPrintClientWPS.dll.
For newer versions please do the following:
- Open command prompt
- Navigate to the directory: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BT-WPS\ClientComponents
- If it is in another directory, it will still be in the \ClientComponents folder
- Run the following Command: regsvr32 BarTenderPrintClientWPS.dll
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