


Trouble Positioning Labels Correctly.


2 條評論

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    Hi. Have you installed your printer using Seagull drivers? If not, it's always best to start with that.

    The feed/spooling thing is usually controlled by the print method. This can be set from the document properties > Stock tab (see attached image). Try different settings to see if you can match what you had before.

    If otherwise, the label isn't lining up, confirm the printer is calibrated. If it's printing offset the same amount on every label, take advantage of the "Set Top Adjustment" option at the bottom of the stock tab (Refer to attached image again).
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    nRyder you are a legend! That worked brilliantly! For some reason the old PC had the original settings, but we changed a few things in the options and the last one worked!

    Thanks ever so much.
