


Problem Printing From Bartender Automation 10.0


6 條評論

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    Fernando Ramos Miracle
    On Printer based licenses the number of printers used by BarTender is managed by the Seagull License Server (SLS), this application needs to be installed and activated on only one computer on your network and BarTender needs to be able to communicate with it.

    You probably didn't install the SLS on your system when installing BarTender, to install it launch again the installer and modify the applications installed adding the license server, or modify the installation through the Windows's "Add and Remove Programs" option.
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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks for that info Fernando
    is there a link I can go to, to install the SLS? - the one on the main Seagull site is under construction
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    Fernando Ramos Miracle
    From BarTender v10 the Seagull License Server is not a separate application any more, but a part of the BarTender Suite. You'll need to modify your installation of BarTender to add the License Server.

    I've attached a screenshot of the BarTender installer Advanced Options where you can see a list of all applications and modules. From that option you'll be able to select the Seagull License Server and by clicking in the "Next" button the application will be installed.

    For more information on the new installer and other new features added in BarTender v10 please take a look at the below white papers:
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    Legacy Poster
    Hi Fernando
    could you point me in the direction of where to go, to input default network locations for the license server to look for - & what type of format should the network address be? - ip address or UNCs?

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    Fernando Ramos Miracle
    Generally when activating BarTender it will start looking for the SLS on the default port (5160), if automatic search is not helping BarTender find the SLS you can manually specify the IP address or server name on the "Administer>Licensing Setup..." option on BarTender (note that for this option to appear BarTender needs to be activated with an Automation or Enterprise Automation license key).

    Make sure that the port number is the correct one (you can specify the port number in which the SLS is broadcasting its signal from "Tools>General Options..." option under the "Network" tab).
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    Gene Henson
