


Error Messages #3112, Help Needed


10 條評論

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    The use of command lines is a feature only available in the Automation Editions of BarTender. It might be the case that you were running within the 30 day Trial period when the BT label format was connected to the Access 2007 database.


    What exact Version and Build of BarTender is in use?

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    Legacy Poster

    I have installed BT 9.20 Professional and its a activated version, this application run winxp perfectly.

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    Ian Cummings
    BarTender is compatible with Windows 7 from v9.20 onwards. If you're using an older version then that will be you problem probably. Test it with the latest Trial to see if you still have the same issues: http://www.bartenderbarcodesoftware.com/label-software/barcode-label-printing-software-download.aspx
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    Ian Cummings

    If you try to print within BarTender itself, not via a command line, do you get a database error?

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    Legacy Poster

    If you try to print within BarTender itself, not via a command line, do you get a database error?

    i m trying via command line (VB code)



    some time i got this error, see the error image below



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    Ian Cummings

    My question was, does this happen when you try to print from within BarTender?  I wish to discover if the command line has anything to do with this or not.


    Try attaching the screenshot again as I don't see it.

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    Legacy Poster

    I explain you,


    When I execute my code, application run and then I press Print button, before the bartender open suddenly error message #3112 occurred 

     Error Image url. plego.info/Capture.JPG

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    Ian Cummings

    Okay, I took a look at the screenshot.  I didn't realize that you were linking to it instead of just putting the image in the forum post itself.


    As the error message states; you have an insufficient edition for the command line parameter specified.  Your license is for a Professional edition, whereas you need an Enterprise edition in order to specify a query prompt value.


    Contact your local reseller for information on purchasing an upgrade.

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    Legacy Poster

    Okay, I took a look at the screenshot.  I didn't realize that you were linking to it instead of just putting the image in the forum post itself.


    As the error message states; you have an insufficient edition for the command line parameter specified.  You license is for a Professional edition, whereas you need an Enterprise edition in order to specify a query prompt value.


    Contact your local reseller for information on purchasing an upgrade.


    I got it Thankyou very much

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    Legacy Poster

    problem has been solved, I installed trial version of Bartender Enterprise Ed. code had been working

