Print Jobs Not Completing
I just recently set up a new workstation that will serve as our print station. Windows 7 x64 machine printing to various printers via the Print Station application. All the printers are networked with Static IPs. I am running version 7.3 Seagull drivers and the application is version 10.0 build 4.
When we are printing jobs with about 2000 total labels (labels are identical but serialized) the job will stop as if it were complete. So far we have seen it happen on label number 1890. This has happened with multiple print jobs, from multiple label sources, on multiple printers. Each time it ends on the same label number. Print spool is empty. Everything is acting as if the job is complete but it is not.
Any ideas?
Just printed a job of 2500 labels. Job stopped when it got to label 1890 as if it were complete.
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I suggest that you download and install the latest driver for your printers.
To ensure that the upgrade completes successfully, I would suggest that you first use the Seagull Driver Wizard to do a full removal of your installed printers, reboot, and then install with the latest. This is the surest method for a 100% successful update.
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I performed the actions you suggested. Removed the drivers via the Seagull Driver Wizard. Rebooted. Installed the 7.3.3 drivers from the webpage and we are still having the issue.
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1. Are the printers connected directly to the network, or via some sort of printserver box.
2. What printer makes/models are we dealing with here?
3. To help debug this issue, please enable printer code recording in the printer driver properties to record the print code that's sent out of the spooler to the printer. Do this via the "Tools" tab, "Logging Options" button, and then "Printer Code Recording" tab. This will allow you to compare what the computer sent, to what was printed. As I suppose this is an intermittent problem, it helps you catch the issue when there's a fault.
4. If possible, please attach a BarTender document for us to examine that has experienced the issue.
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1. The printers are connected directly to the network.
2. TSC 346M and TSC 346M Pro
3 & 4. Do you have an email address I can send the files to? It is not letting me attach the logs. Or zip files.
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You can send to and make reference to this forum post.
Please note that I'm only interested in those recorded print files that were from a print job that failed to complete properly. Help debug this by letting me know what quantity was requested, and then the quantity that actually printed.
I would highly recommend that you get in touch with TSC to make sure that you have the latest firmware flashed to the printer. In the past we have seen this sort of issue caused by a firmware bug that had been later remedied with a firmware update.
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I sent you the email. In the meantime I have contacted TSC about firmware updates. Once I receive and apply the updates I will test again and keep you updated.
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I got your email thanks!
Please find attached the files you requested.Thank you for your help so far.The printer logs attached were for a label with 1113 serials.I have also attached the specific label for that job but I would like to note that this happens with various labels and various printers.The printers used are TSC 346M and 346M pro. But only when printing from this specific computer.---End Quote----In the ZIP file you had two PRN files, the first for 1113 labels and the second for 33 from a separate print job. You can easily view these files in Notepad as the contain fully human readable ASCII characters. Find each occurrence of the "PRINT" command, followed by two numbers, the first representing the quantity. Summing up the quantities in the larger print file gave me an overall number of 1113 which is correct. This proves that the problem you're having is happening downstream from the computer.
You can of course use something like Wireshark ( to monitor the TCP/IP traffic between the PC and the printer, but I would go with the firmware update of the printer first before attempting network traffic diagnostics.
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Yes the first print job of 1113 ended at 1080. Which is why we had the second job of 33 to finish what didn't print.
That is our issue here, jobs stop at 1080 like the print job is complete.
I will let you know when the firmware is updated but I suspected the problem to be something to do with the computer itself.
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To repeat: Help debug this by letting me know what quantity was requested, in BarTender, and then the quantity that actually printed. I can then compare that with what's in the print code. At the moment I'm confused!
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The job was for 1113 serials 1 copy each.
The quantity actually printed was 1080.
That is the first log file I sent you.
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I still don't understand. If you asked for 1113 labels to print in BarTender, and 1113 labels are specified in the print file, then how is the print file not correct?
Also this statement is illogical: "Yes the first print job of 1113 ended at 1180. Which is why we had the second job of 33 to finish what didn't print. That is our issue here, jobs stop at 1180 like the print job is complete."
How can a print job of 1113 labels end at 1180? Why would an extra 33 labels complete the job?
I believe you are not making clear what quantity of labels you requested to print in BarTender.
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Requested number of serials in Bartender was 1113. Labels actually printed 1080. This is the issue we are trying to fix.
It doesn't matter how many labels we request >1080. We can choose to print 2000. 1080 labels will print and the job will act as if it is finished. It is like this no matter which label we are using. It is like this no matter which printer we are using.
Sorry 1180 was a typo in the previous messages. It should have said 1080
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OKay, now this makes sense. The print code is correct, so this is likely to be a network transmission issue or a firmware problem as detailed earlier.
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BTW: I note the last issue request in the 1113 print job print file is for 33 labels. I'd bet that the printer is just not executing this last PRINT command for some reason. Again this points to firmware as the print code looks good.
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Well we just printed a job of 1800 serialized labels.
Labels 1-999 printed okay.
Labels 1000-1108 printed as 000-080
The labels after that were serialized okay.
Should I be talk to TSC about this?
I just emailed a log file.
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I would say yes, talk to TSC even if it's at the same time as talking to us. My hunch is that this is a firmware issue that should be fixed with an update, but I cannot prove that as yet. Certainly the printer seem to not execute the last issue command that could be communications and/or firmware glitch related.
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The odd thing is that it works fine with any other computer. It is just this computer giving us the issue. It is brand new and I have even reformatted it. I just switched the Network Interface card. Hopefully that will help.
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Hmmm, you could try swapping the network cable too, just in case it's faulty. The use of Wireshark will help you track down if you're getting lost/corrupted packets to the printer from this PC. If that's the case then that'll be your culprit.
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