How To Make A Link Between Two Combobox ??
I have two combo box first has a list items: Toyota
if i choose Toyota then i want second combo box to show me Corolla - Prius - Yaris
if i choose Nissan then i want second combo box to show me Sunny - Maxima - Tida
How to make a link between these two combobox ??
Sorry but BarTender's form functionality doesn't support this functionality just yet. Your alternative is to create a front-end application form to your liking using VB.NET or C#, and then control BarTender via automation. See this white paper for more info on this:
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
Could you use VB script to control the data in the 2nd box?
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You can run a VB script in form controls, but you cannot get an updated value of other form controls in the form which the user has changed.
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
So instead of using two combo boxes you would have to use a database query and a combo box? You could create a small excel file to use as a database and the when the label document is selected to print the user would have to select which manufacturer is was, after that selection they would be presented with the database entry form which would be only the selections for that manufacturer.
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