


Problemn Printing Labels


6 條評論

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    Legacy Poster

    If you are printing a test page from windows than the native windows print driver has the wrong settings according to the label you have loaded.


    Have you tried setting up a label document in BarTender and printing some test labels?  If the document is set up is set up properly, BarTender will handle the print settings. 

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    Legacy Poster

    Yes, I have tried printing from BarTender - but same problem. 

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    Legacy Poster

    Do you have an error message? If no error may be you are working with NO SENSOR instead of transmisive

    Double check driver settings, you should have Transmissive sensor on the windows driver and proper paper settings. On BarTender you just need to do it Document Properties

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    Legacy Poster

    I can't see anything about sensors in the driver properties. Where would I find this information?

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    Legacy Poster

    Ok - I finally found it:


    Print Management >> Custom Filters >> All Printers >> (Select Printer) >> General >> Preferences >> Stock >> Sensor


    The sensor was set to "None". So I set it to "Transmissive". And when I do a test print from Print Management then the printer respects the height of the labels. 


    However, when I then try to print from BarTender I get the same problem as before. 


    Do I need to set the sensor inside of the BarTender designer?

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    Legacy Poster

    Ah, got it now. I just needed to create a new template based on the updated driver settings.

