


Network Share


3 條評論

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    Shotaro Ito
    Hi Scott,
    In default install, Commander run as Windows service by Local system account (SYSTEM). However this account doesn't have network access rights.

    Try either..

    1. Running commander as application
    In Commander's Administer > Service setup, you can set Commander to run as Application. In that case Commander would run by your windows logon account.
    note that When Commander run as application, it doesn't start automatically when OS started. you need to start Commander by manually, or by startup shortcut to cmdr.exe.

    2. You can change account to run commander service
    In Commander's Administer > Service setup > Manage services, (or from Windows Management Console's Service Management) open "Commander Service" and in logon tab. Specify an account which has full access to the remote scan folder and local administrator rights.

    In Commander's task option, scan folder must be specified by UNC path( \\servername\foldername ).
    If "Immediate" detection method not working well on remote scan folder, try "Polling" option in Task property > Trigger tab.

    also please refer to a forum post
    [url="http://seagullscientific.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/55-commander-troubleshooting/page__pid__112#entry112"]Commander Troubleshooting[/url]

    Hope that helps!
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    Ian Cummings
    Note that if the network folder in question is not on a Windows formatted partition you will need to use the "polling" detection method in your task. The "immediate" detection method only works when the scan folder in question is on a Windows formatted folder, any other file system requires polling. The "immediate" detection method should also be avoided if the scan folder is located over a WAN.
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    Legacy Poster
    Changing the service account fixed the problem. Thank you for your assistance!
