


Using Email Trigger


2 條評論

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    Susan Chen
    Hi, Wah:

    You can use commander and select "Email" as Trigger method

    1.Create a label format with text database connection inside Bartender
    **This text database data will be replaced by the trigger file sent by Email

    2.Configure Mail System: POP3 and SMTP setting and test
    3.Setup the "Subject", "When Mail arrive" which meet your criteria
    4.Tick “Save Message Contents to File” and choose file name to save data from email

    5.Select “Bartender” command type and select Bartender label format btw file

    6. On “Text File” Tab, tick “Text File” checkbox, the text receive from email and save to text file will be used for trigger and for Bartender database file

    For database trigger in commander, more details can be referenced at http://s3.amazonaws.com/SeagullBarTender/ftp/WhitePapers/WhitePaper_CommanderExamples_English.pdf example 2 page7 Print Label using Trigger as Database

    Hope it helps.

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    Subhasish Mondal

    I have setup my POP3 and SMTP server for Microsoft Outlook and while test that it will successfully send and receive mail.

    But while start my integration, then it will not trigger my event.

    please help.

