Unable To Print Labels On Zebra Zm600
Hi Guys,
I have designed a label using BarTender software (Enterprise Automation, Version 9.3 SR2 Build 2725, OS Windows XP professional SP3) and exported it to SAP script. However when I tried to print the label (LT31), it is showing actual charaters from ITF file instread of label. Could you please help what am I missing here?
- Installed driver for ZM600 ZPL DPI 203 in my system
- Created label using above details
- Exported >btw file as .ITF
- Imported .ITF file into a Standard Text (SO10)
- Replaced variables with SAP variables in Standard Text
- Called this standard text in SAP Script Main Window (this is the only window in Script with page layout INCH)
We have tried with both ZPL & ZPL II on printer.
Please help, this is urgent.
I'm not an expert in SAP script, but basically the business logic of your script needs to replace the tagged fields. Note that the SAP Script-ITF that BarTender produces is simply the label format part of your script, and you paste this into your overall script that does the clever data merge of transaction data. Probably your question is better put to an SAP consultant.
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Used device type LB_ZEB and it worked fine
2 條評論