


Bartender: Error Message #3112


3 條評論

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Starting with Version 7.75 of BarTender we removed a number of Command Line Parameters (CLPs) from the Basic and Professional Editions. This was intentional and indeed to stop the use of these commands in automated solutions.  We still encourage and support simple desktop type "shortcut" solutions with Command Lines for Basic and Professional (hence the remaining CLPs), but we don't recommend the use of CLPs for automated, professional solutions. This is for the following reasons:


    1)  To control licensing abuse. Professional Edition is licensed and priced for use by one user on one PC. Customers wanting to have automated solutions to be integrated with their ERP - database systems normally require a multi-user environment, something which is not supported by the Professional Edition of BarTender.


    2)  CLPs are an inadequate technology for automated PROFESSIONAL-GRADE solutions.  Their time has come and gone long ago.  We have witnessed many, many technical problems with CLPs that are non-existent when using more advanced integration technologies.


    Microsoft recognized the problems and shortcomings of CLPs over a decade ago and then introduced "Dynamic Data Exchange" (DDE), which ended up being replaced by COM Automation. In the recent years BarTender also introduced Automation over .NET SDKs (Software Development Kits). Here is a partial list of why this technology is superior:

            *  Speed:  Command Line Parameters go through Windows.  .NET SDKs / ActiveX Automation is direct.

            *  Automation allows bi-directional communication and feedback.      
            *  Automation can be configured to run entirely in the background and invisibly to the user - including with data input.

            *  Degree of functionality supported:  BarTender's .NET SDKs & ActiveX Automation interface supports much more of BarTender's functionality than the Command Line interface.  And this gap will continue to grow as we apply relatively more resources towards our Automation interface.

            *  Newer technologies may not support a Command Line interface. 

            *  .NET SDK & ActiveX Automation can be set up to run "synchronously" as opposed to "asynchronously" (Command Line Parameters).  Synchronous execution allows various dependent tasks to work together and not interfere with one another.  Tasks can be made dependent upon each other, thus allowing execution of each only at the proper processing interval.  

            *  .NET SDK / ActiveX Automation allows for control of multiple different .exe's of BarTender (in the Enterprise Automation Edition of BarTender).


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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks about your answer.
    We bought 4 licenses and we received only one key code. We contacted you representing for receive more 3 key codes. Until last Saturday, these licenses were working without problems. After that, started appear the messages sent before.
    I believe that these keys codes aren't activated.
    What I have to do?
    Best regards,
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    Domingo Rodriguez

    During the first 30 days after installing BarTender, you can run BarTender in Trial mode where features from the higher Editions (Automation, Enterprise Automation) can be tested. This is probably why you haven't receive the message until a few days back.


    I recommend you to get in contact with the corresponding tech-support office at Seagull Scientific and supply us with the product key codes so that we can inform you if they're definitely activated.

