


Sapscript Issue - Pdf417 2D Barcode


16 條評論

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    Michael Toupin (mtoupin

    BarTender only includes commands that are necessary to the label that's being exported.  If your barcode doesn't contain hex characters, it won't include an ^FH, as it's not necessary for printing the label at that time.  So when you're creating a printer code template field, make sure that you include a hex character in the sample data, and it will add the appropriate indicator for you.  


    What other commands are not showing up the way you'd want them to?

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks for the Bartender information.


    How do I add hex characters to my sample data?

    I made the following changes to Bartender but it does not produce the correct SAPscript or PDF417 barcode.

    1.  Character filter option and set it to hexadecimal values only (see attachment 1).

    2.  Data type tab in the barcode properties to specify hex characters (see attachment 2).

    3.  Prefix and suffix option to add the ^FH to the SAPscript (see attachment 3).

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Could you let us know exactly what value you're trying to encode? If possible, please attach the BarTender document (.btw) for us to examine by using the "More Reply Options" button. BarTender will e.g. use the ^FH prefix when trying to encode a control character, such as <GS>, <RS>...

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    Legacy Poster

    Attached is the Bartender document with the PDF417 2D Barcode.


    The values I am trying to encode are <GS>, <RS> and <EOT> .


    For example, the 2D barcode scan results should be:



    However, I get the following the 2D barcode scan results due to the missing ^FH prefix in the SAPscript.



    Thanks for your help!

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    How are you trying to encode these control characters? Please note that under the bar code properties you will see an "Omega" symbol button which you would click when trying to enter special symbols such as control characters. Are you making use of this button?

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    Legacy Poster

    I included the control characters in my barcode sample data (see attached .btw file).

    But, when I print the label from SAP the control characters do not display correctly.

    My barcode scan results are: [)>_1E06_1D12S0001_1D1PCAY10-103J4LF_1DQ10000_1D_1E_04

    However, the barcode scan results should be: [)><RS>06<GS>12S0001<GS>1PCAY10-103J4LF<GS>Q10000<GS><RS><EOT>


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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Will the bar code contain variable or fixed data? If it's fixed data, then you shouldn't use "Printer Code Template Field" as the data source type for the bar code, but "Embedded Data" instead. I've also changed the codepage to "ANSI, 1252". This is the code which results:


    / ^BY6^B7B,18,5,13<(>,,<)>N^FH\^FD[)<(>><)>\1E06\1D12S0001\1D1PCAY10-103
    = J4LF\1DQ10000\04^FS
    Is that what you're looking for?
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    Legacy Poster

    The barcode contains variable data. 

    Actual barcode data is defined by the SAPfieldname at print time.


    Thanks for the SAPscript code. It produces the correct barcode scan results.



    / ^BY6^B7B,18,5,13<(>,,<)>N^FH\^FD[)<(>><)>\1E06\1D12S0001\1D1PCAY10-103

    = J4LF\1DQ10000\04^FS

    Is this code automatically generated in the Bartender SAPscript?

    Or is this code manually entered in the SAPscript? 

    I tried to duplicate the SAPscript code but was unable (see attached .btw file).


    Thank you!







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    Domingo Rodriguez

    I obtained this template directly from BT, but using static data instead or variable. With variable data I'm not able to get the desired results. I will speak with our developers and come back to you.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks for your help. I look forward to your update.

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    Domingo Rodriguez
    Our developers have written this up as a feature request. The idea is to properly encode control characters using the ^FH parameter if this control character has a source of "Embedded Data" in a bar code which uses other sources which are marked as variable. There is currently directly no way of directly achieving this in BarTender, unless you make use of a printer command font on your label to generate the bar code completely with printer commands.

    In order to enable this font, open the printer driver properties dialog, select the “Fonts” tab and now choose the “Tools > Font Settings” drop down list item and enable the “List Printer Command Font” checkbox” under the “Utility Fonts” tab”. You can now make use of this font style in your BarTender document in replacement of the bar code object. As the data source value for this font, rather than just entering data, you will enter the necessary printer commands in order to generate the variable bar code using ^FH to encode the control characters which will be seen as "Static" data.
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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Seagull Driver Version 7.3.5 has been released recently. Now, if a certain embedded data source requires to be in HEX format, we will use the ^FH command to encode the control characters for this data source. You would however need to separate fixed and variable data into different data sources.


    Our latest drivers can be downloaded from our website at the below link:


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    Siew Boon See


    I am using bartender 2016. I encoded RS, GS and EOT as ascii characters in a Datamatrix barcode and export to Sapscript. But when printed from SAP, the control chars become #.  Here is the Sapscript. Could you advise? Thanks.




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    Peter Thane

    Not sure what type of printer you are printing to but if it has a diagnostic\hexdump mode you could put it into that and see what characters SAP is actually sending out. 

    I have never used the Sapscript function so not exactly sure how it works but I do believe SAP uses a none standard character set. 

    It maybe you need to encode with the 0x prefix so 0x1E for the <RS>  rather than <30>

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    Siew Boon See

    I am using Intermec printer. When I debug I could see that  <30> is converted to #. 

    When I replaced <30> with 0x1E, the text 0x1E is printed instead. 

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    Peter Thane

    So it loks like SAP is converting those functions to the # symbol as it either does not recognise them or as they are non printable characters.

    I dont really know IPL code but I see ^^ represents RS, ^] is the GS and ^D is EOT so you could try those instead


