


Com Error 80010105 - Temporary More Printers Allowance


4 條評論

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    Shotaro Ito
    Do you use different driver for multiple print jobs to print to single printer, such as to achieve different configuration?
    (such as one driver has cut setting and another has not.)

    License server counts printer by "Printer model name"(driver name), "Location" and "Port." so if you use different printer driver for one printer, that causes the printer consumes one more license count.

    Open License server and check if there's any unexpected printer entry is shown or not.

    For detail, please check White Paper [url="http://s3.amazonaws.com/SeagullBarTender/ftp/WhitePapers/WhitePaper_LicensingForBarTendersAutomationEditions_English.pdf"]Licensing for BarTender’s Automation Editions[/url]

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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks for info about the counting. It can be one of the causes why we have not counted correct and another is all the PDF writers we use for testing - but the license counting is mainly the headache of my manager, I will forward this info to him.

    I am developing and supporting our porduction system and my problem now is that we can't print jobs because it is halted after the first page and I have no option in the system too just print Labels. I will now try to change in the system and see if it will be better with open and closing BarTender.Application between each print and add an option to just print labels.
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    Shotaro Ito
    PDF Printer consumes a printer slot too, so make sure you have enough slots for your use.
    Can you get error number from the COM error? You can suppress certain error messages / exceptions from BarTender > Administer > Application message setup.
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    Legacy Poster
    From the COM error I can' get any other errors than 80010105 but from a colleague that run BarTender directly yesterday evening reported that he had got error number #2401 ("Although BarTender cannot connect to Seagull License Server, your BarTender will continue to function normally for another <data> day(s). However, after this grace period ends, BarTender will refuse to print, print-preview, or export until a connection with Seagull License Server is reestablished."). I have on my computer activated the Active X error for this error number (in the setup you mentioned in last post). I will of course report any further findings (if any) in this topic.

    I have now checked the logging of the last 5 hours of usage of our system and we haven't got the COM error a single time! I see this issue as solved now.
