Sdk And Bartender Versions
How do I find out what version (Automation or Enterprise Automation) I need to run the code created using the .Net SDK? I am basically openning a label format, assigining some field values, changing the copies and printing the label out? Do I need the more expensive Enterprise Automation??
Shotaro Ito
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hi BumpaRoy,
As open format, assign named substring value, specify number of copy and print is able to do in Automation edition, You would need Automation Edition.
In BarTender .NET SDK, SDK below requires Enterprise Automation Edition.
[*]BarTender .NET Librarian SDK
[*]BarTender .NET Print Server SDK (including Web Label Print Sample application)
BarTender .net Print SDK is available from Automation edition [b]EXCEPT[/b]:
[*]Engine.CommandLineCompleted Event
[*]LabelFormatDocument.ExportPrintPreviewRangeToFile Method
[*]LabelFormatDocument.ExportPrintPreviewToFile Method
[*]PrintSetup.PrintToFileLicense Property
[*]Prompts.LayoutXML Property
[*]Engine.XMLScript Method
BarTender System Database SDK is available from Automation edition.
(Note that in Automation edition, BarTender can only log to locally installed SQL Server. To log to remote SQL Server, Enterprise Automation Edition is needed.)
For detail of each properties / methods, please check BarTender .net SDK Documentation.
(Search by "Enterprise Automation" in SDK Documentation.)
Hope that helps!0
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