Mixed Environment 32 And 64 Bit. Exportprintpreviewtofile Fail.
We develop a program for production follow-up at a factory and using Bartender for creating and printing labels. So far we have had Windows XP as genuin platform but the whole company is now upgrading to Windows 7. When it is thousands of computers and we do not know the consequences we do this slowly. That also means we have a mixed environment.
Now the question, ExportPrintPreviewToFile works good when running on a XP computer but on a Windows 7 it failes without telling in the variable Messages. The file is not created!
We have our C# code as x86 code. The Bartender Engine is on a XP computer. Fails on a Windows 7 computer.
Please help us find a solution for this.
Best Regards
Could it be that on the Windows 7 machine, the Windows account under which the BarTender process (bartend.exe) runs under does not have write permissions over the Windows folder you're wishing to use for the print preview?
If it's a network folder, try saving the previews to a local Windows folder which you know the Windows account bartend.exe runs under will have sufficient permissions.
You can also enable text file message logging in BarTender and check if you see any error message which might be related. Do this via the "Administer > Log Setup > Text File Log > Log Messages" option.
You could also Copy & Paste your source code for us to examine (only the pertinent part)
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Thanks for fast reply :-)
I will come back after some tests. I have done redirecting the print preview png-file to a local directory (c:\temp\) with no success. But I will check the permissions for bartender and also activate the log.
I'll be back...0 -
Hi, we have tried some different activities. I think you are right about the permissions set to bartend.exe. Then we have a big problem!
Our Bartender server is located on a XP computer. We call that bartender-engine from within our C# code on a Windows 7 computer. The account on the Windows 7 computer is administrator but that is not a guarantee for administrator permissions. So, it seems we have to start the bartender-engine as "run as administrator".
Is there any possibility to do that from within the code?
Best regards //Mats
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The BarTender engine has to be created on the Windows 7 computer instead, not on the XP one. Once you guarantee this, you also need to make sure that the account under which the "bartend.exe" process runs under has sufficient permissions over the folder you're intenting to export the print preview to.
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Hi, we try this and come back.
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Hi, we moved the licens server to a windows 7 computer. The same problem showed up, no success!
We also ran both server and client program on the same computer with no success. (No picture was created in the "windows temp directory".) As mentioned before, we run as administrators.
Is there any possibility to filestream the picture instead? Or do you have another solution. We are open for anything :-)
Another important question!
We also noticed there is a limit in how many times we are allowed to move the server. For us this is panic! If the printer server crashes and we do not have any times left to move, the whole factory will stop and be non productive.
How can we secure this will not happen?
best regards //Mats
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I think it would be best to contact tech-support directly and expose the problem. Include company and license details and pertinent source code for both client and server side.
With regards to the limit in moving your license, this is indeed set to an initial maximum of 3 times you can move the license. If the license history is clean, we've no objections in incrementing the number of activations for your license. Please note as well that in the case of a server crash, BarTender will run in grace period for up to 72 hours, which will give you enough time to contact our technical support department in order to receive assistance in solving your issues.
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Thanks a lot for your support. I will contact the tech-support.
also thank you for explaning the license behaviour.
Have a nice day // Mats
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