Print To File In Bartender .net Sdk 2016
Is there any way to use "print to file" in bartender .NET SDK 2016. since BarTenderPrintClient.dll is not available in bartender 2016 i couldn't save print file.
Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
tanks for your reply.
is there any other way to get Print to file license key in c#
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I've not looked into this myself so I don't know.
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
Currently we are using existing version of bartender SDK in which we are using BarTenderPrintClient.dll for "print to file".
We are going to upgrade our bartender to 2016 version. Since BarTenderPrintClient.dll is not available in 2016 version so we are not able to get print to file license key.
suggest any other way0 -
I suggest you contact technical support:
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
tanks for your support
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