


Is It Possible To Print Outside Of The Application .. Or Do You Have To Be Inside And Click On Print


3 條評論

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    Ian Ian
    If you have a recent version (v9.20 or higher) of BarTender you might want to check out the Print Station companion application:


    Otherwise, create a shortcut icon of your label on the desktop, right click it and select properties. From the "Target" text box you can modify the path and name of the label format to include some command line parameters.


    "C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite\bartend.exe" /AF="C:\Labels\Format1.btw" /P /XS

    *More information on Command Lines can be found in the BarTender HELP system under the "Automating BarTender>Automation with the Command line interface" help topic.

    As you see above we first reference the BarTender application within double quotes -- the path will be different for older versions -- next use the /AF command to load and make current the label format, /P to print and lastly /XS to exit and save the label.

    With such a command line only the prompt form for user input will appear on screen instead of the full BarTender application window. If the "Automatically Print Again" checkbox in the "Print" dialog of the label format is enabled, then after printing the prompt for will be redisplayed for an additional print job.
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    Legacy Poster
    [quote name='Ian C - Seagull Support' timestamp='1319185857' post='868']
    If you have a recent version (v9.20 or higher) of BarTender you might want to check out the Print Station companion application:


    Otherwise, create a shortcut icon of your label on the desktop, right click it and select properties. From the "Target" text box you can modify the path and name of the label format to include some command line parameters.


    "C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite\bartend.exe" /AF="C:\Labels\Format1.btw" /P /XS

    *More information on Command Lines can be found in the BarTender HELP system under the "Automating BarTender>Automation with the Command line interface" help topic.

    As you see above we first reference the BarTender application within double quotes -- the path will be different for older versions -- next use the /AF command to load and make current the label format, /P to print and lastly /XS to exit and save the label.

    With such a command line only the prompt form for user input will appear on screen instead of the full BarTender application window. If the "Automatically Print Again" checkbox in the "Print" dialog of the label format is enabled, then after printing the prompt for will be redisplayed for an additional print job.
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    Legacy Poster
    Thank you!.. this worked perfectly !!
