Electronic PDFs allowed changed between 2019 and 2022
In 2019 printing to PDFs would take up a printer slot, where now each physical printer also allows you to print upto 5000 PDF labels.
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Thanks. Any tricks anyone can help with? I understand it would take up a printer slot. But I'd think that would be it, instead of capping the printer at 5000 pdf labels. I have some sheets with 30 labels, so 10 pages of labels counts at 300 printed pieces. I think this is outrageous
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There was still a limit on how many PDF labels a PDF "printer" could be print in 2019 (2000 I think it was) and so each 2000 PDF labels required an extra printer licence slot. This limit applied to PDF printers only and did not include the X per physical printer too. With 2022 (from R3 onwards) this is increased to 5000 per printer licence per physical printer licence but any extras would require extra licence slots.
So for example, if printing to two physical printers plus 8000 pdf labels per week then you would need:
- 2019 = 6 printer licence (2 physical plus 8000/2000 PDF printers)
- 2022 = 2 printer licence (2 physical each allowing 5000 pdf labels per week)
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But wasn't there a difference how BT counted a "printed piece"? I thought a printed piece counted as a "page" of labels rather than single labels.
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No, that still counted the number of labels as far as I am aware. I think this came in about 2016 time although I could be wrong with that
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