Concatened fields of database plus system data plus serialization
I would like how i can make it: Need datapicker of two fields in two databases and plus with system data and plus with serialization copies.
The result it, is the barcode content.
I do not know if the way that i trying is correct. if anyone get help me please. Intend to work with print portal and use history explorer.
My bartender is Enterprise Automation 2016.
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hopefully this will guide you through the process:
Create the barcode on your label and then go into the properties of it.
Adjust the source to Clock and from the Type Tab choose date and scroll down to Custom and edit the format to not show the two / symbols
Then click the New Data Source button
For the new sub-string choose Embedded Data and to make it easier to reference later change the Embedded Data box to Battery.
Repeat this process to add the Line
Now add another Embedded Data substring but give this a value of 0001 and then click on the Transforms Tab and click on the Serialisation button.
On the first tab click Increment and you may also one to tick the Preserve the number of characters and then click on the Reset tab and set up when you want the number to reset back to 0001. In the screen shot below I have set this to change each day.
Note: If the data in these fields needs to be included in separate text fields to on the label then if you give these substrings a name via the Change Data Source Name (ringed below) then after you have added the text field click on the same button in that field and then choose the Named Data Source you wish to link to.
One you have come out of the fields and are back at the Template view of the label click on the Form tab to open your Data Entry Form.
Now select your Battery dropdown list button and right click or double click on it to go into the Properties.
Clcik on the Linked Data Source item and choose the Battery field. If you have use the Named Data Source option mentioned above then instead link to the name you gave this field in the Name Data Sources list that.
Now click on the List Items option. Where you have a small number of items you can just type these into the list and you can set a different value to the displayed text options the users will see at print time if you require. For your system click on the Source dropdown and choose Database and then use the Database setup options to link to the table you want to connect to.
Repeat this process for the Line field/drop down.
You may also want to adjust your form to include an image > Preview of Template on to it so your users can see whate is going to print and you can also add a field linked to the number of Serial numbers/labels you require so you get something like this
I hope this helps
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hi Pete, thank you for your response. It works fine. I have some doubts..
Is it possible the serialization fieldtext save the last number print after the labels printeds ? when i going to print again, it start the print on the last number printed. Because the serialization field never can repeat.
Tks Altivo
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★ BarTender Hero ★
Yes, dont set a reset value in the field. In BarTender you will have to save the label whenever you come out of it to retain the last number used so I would suggest configuring your printing to use Print Station as this will automatically retain the last serial number printed and also help stop anyone modifying the label by accident as all you can do with Print Station is print a label including any user prompts etc)
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Right Pete, i got it.
I need use history explorer for registry the activities of prints labels. I am trying configure history explorer, but Bartender is return me
an error linked by a SQL database: How to solve it ? it error is show me too whe i execute System Database Setup Wizard.
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★ BarTender Hero ★
For History Explorer you need to enable job logging first. I am using BarTender 2019 and you configure this in Administration Console but I think this feature was still within BarTender itself in 2016 so check out the Log Setup options in the Administer menu option within BarTender Designer.
For the serial number element, you could actually just make this field a Global Data Field and after you have printed the value of the Global number (stored in the System Database I believe) will automatically change to the next number in the sequence without the need to save the label. Right click on the Global Data Fields option in the Data Sources column and once you have created it you can link your field/sub-string to it via the Type option.
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hi, Pete..
Today i tested the print labels and the date does not updated. Why it happenes?
How can i do, to the date be updated according the PC date system?
Thank you again.
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Pete, look the screenshots, the date does not updated and the history explorer not show me the labels printeds. how to solve it ?
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Pete, look the screenshot: i am with error in database systems, maybe it is the problem cause.
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★ BarTender Hero ★
Yes, it looks like the System Database is still not working correctly and so the logging will not work nor with the Global Data field
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
this path does not found, how change it ?
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Pete, I solve the issue above.
Now i have two questions: look the screenshots
1- why the history explorer does not save the image of label printed, Note: my customer need know the initial serialize number and last serialize number, i think the solution this, would be by images of printed labels.
Case you have other solutions to it, please let me know
2- why the print station not update the date, there shoud be the same of system date. when i goin to o print station to print the labels the data is outdated.
Sorry by bother you with that, but i need this informations.
Thanks a lot !!
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★ BarTender Hero ★
That is a permissions issues where that user account has insufficient rights to connect to the System Database. There are a few support documents around about this including the link below but it maybe worth raising a support request with your regional Seagull Tech Support team and see if they can help you as it looks like you have had a number of issues with your System Database connection.
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★ BarTender Hero ★
Not sure why the image is not being stored, have you tried the log the format to or disabling logging then restarting it?
As for the date not changing I assume it is because an option in the Data Entry Control has not been set. In 2019 there is a Show Today option on the Date Picker screen and although I am not sure on what Tab this option appears in 2016. You need to make sure that this is ticked otherwise the displayed date will always be the last date selected when the label was last saved in Designer
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Pete, the problem when history explorer does not save the image of label printed is relationed with permission in databases ?
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★ BarTender Hero ★
Not sure but probably unlikely if all the other data is being stored. Are you running the latest 2016 release , R9 ? If not would probably worth installing that in the event there is a bug connected with the image storage they may already have been fixed.
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Altivo Almeida
★ BarTender Hero ★
Not sure why the image is not being stored, have you tried the log the format to or disabling logging then restarting it?
Where i can see the log the format?
16 條評論