QueryPrompts returns to much records
I have a simple csv File with about 16000 enteries. The Database Setup is connected to this csv File, in Filters there is a Query Prompt defined. If i use this simple code:
Dim path As String = "C:\CS\Firma\Projekte\Softwerk\Neuhofer\Files"
Dim LabelName As String = "BND-COM-Bund_DOW14.btw"
Dim File As String = IO.Path.Combine(path, LabelName)
Dim btFormat As LabelFormatDocument = engine.Documents.Open(File)
btFormat.DatabaseConnections.QueryPrompts(0).Value = "999999999"
Dim r As Result = btFormat.Print("Test")
it wanna print more than 2000 pages, but the 99999.... is unique in my csv.
What could be wrong?
Hello Nikolaus,
Thank you for reaching us via our Community Forums.
If I understood correctly, the output falls short of the 16000 records which would need printing, correct? Giving us 2000+ instead.
Have you tried limiting the "999999999" value to a lesser number? Perhaps having such a large number messes with the code, although it shouldn't.
Also, regarding the 2000 pages, are these chosen at random, or are they always the same records and page numbers?
For issues related to custom code, I would advise reaching our Professional Services Department, who in exchange for a quote, should be able to advise you better on this matter and provide you with a solution.
Thank you.0
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